Frequently Asked Questions


Verified company’s job post. Assistance in resume preparation as per Application Tracking System. No commission or charges in applying for a job or final placement. Higher chances of selection since urgent and must needed jobs are posted only.

No, InternsInfo does not charge applicants any money for placement.

Yes, you can anytime de-activate, write a mail at in case you face any issue.

No, no company would charge you any amount. You can report it quickly if you find a company is charging demanding money for internship/job. You don’t need to sign any bond with any company. No company would ask you to submit any original documents. Never submit your original documents to any company.

You have to wait till the respective recruiter gets back to you. The time taken depends on the hiring process that an organization follows so it varies accordingly.

You can apply to as many internships you want. Internsinfo doesn't limit the number of internships a candidate can apply for.

Yes, its necessary else you would be able to apply for the jobs/internships.

It depends upon the company to company. The perks given by the organizations vary and so does the amount of stipend. We suggest you enquire before finalizing your internship.


Only verified companies are allow to post jobs, so its matter of brand value that your job opportunities are posted at InternsInfo. Job post with zero cost. Assistance in JD creation. Applicants’ responses management. Application Tracking System. No bulk & junk responses. Only actual job seekers. Higher chances of skill-match with the JD at InternsInfo.

You need to create an account at Internsinfo. If you have not registered, sign up through the 'Home' page in the official website If you have already registered yourself, then log in to your account by entering your credentials. After logging into your account, you can easily post an internship or job opportunity. Fill in the details about the internship and post it. After successfully posting.

Yes. Internsinfo has the facility to allow you to post several opportunities at one time.

After posting jobs/internship successfully you need to check dashboard on regular basis, applied candidates' details would be visible in your dashboard.

You need to email current content “…” and the content that needs to be placed “….” As